
God's victory
Victory in Jesus
Trust and Obey
The Church Victorious
Lift up the Cross
For All the Saints
Thine Be the Glory
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
Pleasing God, Not
I have decided to follow Jesus
Take up Thy Cross, the Savior said
Take Up Thy Cross
Have Thine own Way, Lord
I Surrender All
Give Me Thy Heart
I Am His and He is Mine
Take My Life And Let it Be
Just As I Am
Take Time To Be Holy
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
Faith Healing
God Will Take Care of You
His Eye is on the Sparrow
Behold the Savior of Mankind
My Help Comes From the Lord
He Touched Me
The Spirit Song
On Eagles' Wings
Healer (I believe, you're my healer)
I'm Trading My Sorrows
Lord, I believe in You
Our God is an Awesome God
How Great is Our God
Stand up for Jesus
God is good, we
sing and shout it
